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Top EffectEro
(6 відгуків)
Продукт оцінюється як #8 в категорії Чоловіче здоров'я
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Більше сперми та фертильність - як це працює?

Сприяє нормальному утворенню сперматозоїдів і фертильності та підтримці нормальної еректильної функції. Інші сильні і контрольовані властивості, перераховані в Регламенті ЄС №. 1924/2006 Заяви про здоров'я



Effectero is a male potency food supplement, created with an innovative, 100% natural formula, and thanks to its natural ingredients it can help you rediscover maximum sexuality. The capsules were developed for men with little or no potency. The 100% natural extracts are the main ingredients which, by their action, are able to give the body maximum sexual performance.

What is EffectEro Capsule?

Effectero is a completely natural food supplement in the form of practical capsules, which are swallowed with water and can help the body regain its natural ability to have satisfactory erections and can increase potency in a very short time by improving libido. This product is free of dangerous substances and contains no chemical ingredients, does not require a prescription and can be taken by any man, regardless of age, without experiencing side effects.


These pills, with the help of 100% natural ingredients, promote strong and prolonged erections by facilitating blood flow to the corpus cavernosum and thus allowing the penis to increase in size. It also offers greater control over premature ejaculation, increasing the ability to satisfy your partner. You should know that the beneficial effects will only be felt if you strictly follow the recommendations on the package insert, as well as the additional recommendations provided by the manufacturer.

EffectEro Ingredients

The composition of Effectero is completely natural; it is based on 100% natural bioactive ingredients. All ingredients act in a complex way on the male body. As a natural treatment, Effectero has no side effects and no contraindications.


Through its active ingredients, this innovative medicine will help you to normalise the functions of your genitals and to experience wonderful sexual relations. All the extracts in the Effectero formula can be safely taken by all men.

How to take EffectEro?

The only thing you should be aware of is the recommendation on the drug’s package leaflet which you should strictly follow to get the desired effect. You should also take into account the additional recommendations provided by the manufacturer.


Manufacturer says you should take 2 capsules a day with a large glass of water without chewing. You can take the capsules in the morning and at midday or in the evening with meal, or within 30 minutes of sexual intercourse. You need to consume more water to allow the capsules to dissolve in the stomach. In addition, the drug with 100% natural components can be combined with other drugs and alcohol.

The treatment lasts 30 days. The treatment can be repeated up to 3 times a year, with breaks between treatments. The first improvements should be visible 7 days after taking the medicine, however, to strengthen the effect, it is necessary to complete the entire treatment. The effect begins should appear 15 minutes after administration of the capsules. It should be noted that the drug has a pronounced cumulative effect, which means that the results will be maintained even after the end of the treatment.

EffectEro Tips

EffectEro effects and mode of action

The cpasules can help you solve many sexual problems, namely sexual weakness, constant feeling of weakness, fatigue, lack of sexual attraction to your partner, lack of erection, short-lasting erection and extremely brief sexual intercourse, problems or total absence of libido, weak or total absence of orgasm, aroused penis without hardness, premature ejaculation, inability to satisfy you and your partner. Here, Effectero has a broad spectrum of action.

The mode of action of EffectEro potency tablets may include the following points:

  • Improved blood circulation and erectile function: It is believed that the ingredients present in the tablets may promote better blood flow to the genital area, which may facilitate a firmer and longer-lasting erection.
  • Stimulation of nitric oxide: Some ingredients in the tablets may stimulate the production of nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide is a natural vasodilator that helps relax blood vessels, which in turn can improve blood flow to the penis during sexual arousal.
  • Increased sexual stamina: It is claimed that EffectEro tablets can help increase sexual stamina and performance, allowing for longer duration and quality in intimate relationships.
  • Increased sexual desire: Some users may experience an increase in sexual desire and libido after taking the tablets.
  • Potential positive effect on sexual confidence: By achieving improvements in erectile function and sexual performance, some users may experience an increase in self-confidence in their intimate relationships.

Who are EffectEro capsules intended for?

The herbal composition allows the use of the drug for men at any age and the capsules can also be combined with the use of other drugs.

EffectEro are capsules created only from natural ingredients, which have been clinically tested by specialists. The food supplement is designed for people who want to increase potency, treat erectile dysfunction, increase libido and have prolonged sexual intercourse.

It is suitable for those who want to increase their general tone, sexual stamina, for those who want to cope with stress, without harming their health, but on the contrary, increasing their sexual activity. A complete treatment eliminates not only impotence, but also the main causes of sexual dysfunction.

Our Review: What do we like about EffectEro?

The drug was subjected to specialised clinical tests and according to their results, which can be found online, and the results have been astounding. About 50% of the volunteers who participated in the tests confirmed that impotence has disappeared, while another 50% of users reported an improvement in libido and eliminated premature ejaculation. 100% of those tested reported an increase in the duration of sexual intercourse by increasing potency. These results were obtained after one month of treatment.

In addition, the ingredients have been proven to be 100% of natural origin, which makes it a safe drug that can be used by men between 18 and 99 years old.

User reviews

We have carefully studied all the sites that describe the amazing effects of regular use of the treatment, we have studied the opinions of specialists and the comments of men who have experienced the drug.

Taking a look at the comments and reviews that have already appeared in many online forums for men and women, it is easy to see that there are a lot of users who are already satisfied with the results obtained with Effectero. They confirm that the drug improves erection, provides long-term sexual intercourse, increases libido, stops premature ejaculation, increases potency and provides better sexual experiences.

The conclusion is that Effectero provides the result that the manufacturer is proud of, but to achieve this result, you must follow a complete treatment and also strictly follow the manufacturer’s package insert and additional recommendations.

Where to buy EffectEro?

If you want to try the Effectero treatment and also convince yourself of its effectiveness, our recommendation is to buy the product directly from the manufacturer’s website. Only this way, you can benefit from buying the product at the best price, and even sometimes at a promotional price of 50%. In addition, you have the guarantee that you will be buying the original product and not a counterfeit one. On the manufacturer website, everything is safe and simple. All you have to do is register and place your order.

EffectEro Купити

Product Information

Дозування2 капсули на день
Ціна 29,90 – 59.90
ЕфектиImproves erection, provides long-term sexual intercourse, increases libido, stops premature ejaculation, increases potency, provides better sexual experiences,…


This natural sexual supplement is a new way to restore potency and normalize body condition. The capsules have a guaranteed action and many advantages, thanks to which you can quickly notice the changes. Effectero capsules are designed to restore potency and restore a strong sexual desire.

Although it is a new food supplement, its popularity is growing steadily, which means that you will soon be able to find potency-enhancing capsules in large pharmacies in Europe. However, you should know that the price will not be the same as on the manufacturer’s website, because pharmacies will not reduce the price.

That is why it is best to order EffectEro only from the manufacturer’s official website and benefit from the discount offer and also have the guarantee that you will receive the original product.


Male Sexual Dysfunction

Male Sexual Dysfunction

John Wiley & Sons. 2017

Sexual dysfunction affects men of all ages and incidence rates are expected to double by 2025 resulting in a major health burden. Though normal sexual function is an important aspect of health and well-being, sadly, this common condition still carries an associated stigma. As a result, affected men are often reluctant to approach their doctor and, instead, may live for many years with sexual dysfunction, often to the detriment of their personal lives. Male Sexual Dysfunction: A Clinical...

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Природна терапія еректильної дисфункції у чоловіків / Проблеми зі здоров'ям

GlobalGreenHouse. 2019

Еректильна дисфункція (ЕД), також відома як імпотенція, є дуже поширеною проблемою зі здоров'ям. За оцінками, половина всіх чоловіків в той чи інший момент стикаються з еректильною дисфункцією. У віці 40 років близько 40 відсотків чоловіків страждають від цього стану, і він більш поширений у старшому віці. ЕД - це стан, коли чоловік не в змозі досягти або підтримувати ерекцію. Це може призвести до низької самооцінки, депресії та почуття провини. На щастя, існують природні способи, які допоможуть впоратися з цією незручною проблемою. Ось один з них...

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Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a thief. ED takes away physical and emotional intimacy. ED steals your confidence in the bedroom. ED robs you of your manhood. ED walks off with your self-esteem. ED has the potential to destroy lives, and end relationships. Here's a surprising fact, the sudden onset of ED can save your life. Frequently, ED is early warning signal of current or future cardiovascular problems. In Everything You Never Wanted to Know about Erectile Dysfunction and Penile Implants:...

Додаткова інформація

Специфікація: ЕФЕКТОР


Potency, libido






L-аргінін, гінкго білоба, женьшень, мака, екстракт какао, вітамін С, вітамін В1, вітамін В2, вітамін В3, вітамін В5, вітамін В6, вітамін В12, вітамін Е, фолієва кислота, біотин, селен, цинк

Відгуки (6)

6 відгуки на EFFECTERO

4.7 з 5
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  1. Аватар Damian

    Дем'єн. -

    All the active ingredients of this formula are of natural origin without any kind of chemical additives that can damage our health. It is completely healthy and vegan!

    + ПЛЮСИ: completely healthy
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  2. Аватар Lenard

    Lenard -

    I received my products very quickly and in very good condition. The package arrived at the post office and I was notified to pick it up, I had no problems at all, everything was very easy!

    + ПЛЮСИ: easy to use
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  3. Аватар Ariel

    Ariel -

    My libido needed to get a little boost because it was in a slump. My body was getting weaker and I was performing less and less. Now I feel like I’m getting my strength back, thanks to EFFECTERO, it’s a great relief because my marriage was already very damaged because of that.

    + ПЛЮСИ: great relief
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  4. Аватар Nelson

    Nelson -

    Good morning guys, I wanted to share with everyone that this EffectEro is very good, very effective and of very good quality. It is worth to know it. Greetings. Try it and then you will see that what I tell you is true.

    + ПЛЮСИ: very good, very effective
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  5. Аватар Robert

    Роберт -

    I have to take a lot of medication and my libido has been affected. I wasn’t sure what to do, but my doctor told me to take a supplement. I needed a natural product, especially herbal (since I am taking enough medication). I ordered EffectEro which seemed complete and I recognized some aphrodisiac plants in the batch (Maca, Ginseng,…). After 3 weeks, great results. I felt like having sex again and, above all, it was great. Since I’ve been taking these capsules, my sperm quality is much better.

    + ПЛЮСИ: Stimulates libido
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  6. Аватар Mario

    Маріо! -

    If you need a super sexual stimulant, I recommend EFFECTERO. Based on known herbs (Maca, Ginseng, Ginko,..) and other vitamins or natural substances (L-Arginine,..) it has a tremendous effect on my sexuality. No more fainting, better sperm, more stamina, in short a real sex bomb. I am also a vegetarian, so this product suits me very well. No side effects when I take the capsules which are very easy to swallow.

    + ПЛЮСИ: tremendous effect on my sexuality
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