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Better Immunity – How does it work?

Calcium contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism, Zinc contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress, Folate contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue, Vitamin B6 contributes to the normal function of the immune system


The main reasons for fighting alcohol addiction are the desire to maintain the health and life of your body, the inability to independently overcome the craving for alcohol.

Alkotox was created by scientists to help alcohol addicts to get rid of this habit or disease, because alcoholism can be called a disease. The product has passed clinical tests performed on a large number of alcoholics and the results were really surprising.

What is Alkotox?

Alkotox is designed to prevent and control alcohol dependence. It aims to act effectively at all stages of dependence, suppressing the psychosomatic signs of alcoholism (atypical cravings, attachment, increased agitation), liver disease (alcoholic cirrhosis) and circulatory system disorders (blood clots, hypertension, varicose veins). One of the features of this product is that it can be used at any age. Efficacy is associated with safety and the absence of side effects.


Alkotox are anti-alcohol caps that can act in a short time. Those capsules can perform several important functions simultaneously. First of all, the drug is design to have a pronounced effect of calming and qualitatively combating hangover.

In addition, after administration of the caps, a complete intolerance to the taste of alcohol and even the smell can be established. With this new remedy, mental and emotional health can be improved and toxins caused by alcohol would be eliminated from the body.

Alkotox effect and mode of action?

Alkotox is design to effectively and completely block the desire to consume alcohol. After the administration of this innovative supplement, a persistent aversion to strong alcoholic beverages would probably develop. This anti-alcohol treatment is created from natural extracts.

When taken prophylactically (at the first sign of the desire to consume alcoholic beverages), Alkotox can help to cleanse the body of toxins (liver and other filtering organs in which alcohol residues are retained) and improving the psychosomatic state (stress is relieved, insomnia disappears).

As part of an effective fight against alcohol dependence, it also want to suppress alcoholic psychosis (aggression, destructive behavior, stress), cleanse all tissues of pathogenic microflora and toxins, and completely restore damaged tissues and processes.

In addition to the main effect – the elimination of alcohol dependence – it wants to restore circulatory system processes, eliminate congestion in the form of cholesterol plaques and blood clots, and strengthen the immune system.

The main effects of Alkotox are known to be:

  • elimination of alcohol dependence;
  • elimination of discontinuation symptoms;
  • improvement of systemic function;
  • elimination of constipation and frequent urination;
  • prevention of body damage;
  • effective resistance to withdrawal and a strong cleansing and regenerating effect;
  • eliminates hangovers.

How to take Alkotox capsules?

Take orally 2 times a day, 1 piece, independently of food intake, drinking plenty of water. It is advisable to drink a glass of pure, non-carbonated water before taking the product.

The duration of treatment depends on the stage of development of alcohol dependence and the degree of damage to the body.

Алкотокс Alkotox EN3

Поради щодо використання

Generally, the duration of treatment is 1-2 months. The manufacturer has not established the exact period of use of this drug because each person begins treatment at different stages of alcoholism. If complications have already begun in the body at the time of therapy, the duration of treatment is at least 2 months.

Who are Alkotox capsules intended for?

This herbal extract product is indicated for the treatment of alcoholism in both women and men. It has been officially recognized as the most effective and safest treatment for alcoholism and also as one of the best detoxifiers.

The signs that recommend the use of this treatment are confusion, thinking problems; hand and foot tremors, heart pain, fluctuations in blood pressure, visual or auditory hallucinations, high blood sugar levels, lack of appetite and associated exhaustion, massive swelling of the face and body.

The caps can help you avoid complications associated with heart, liver and kidney activity. If you do not pay attention to the problem of eliminating alcohol dependence, you increase the risk of organ damage and subsequent death.

Alkotox Reviews and Testimonials

People who took this food supplement say that with the help of a single treatment, you can overcome this bad habit. The drug acts quickly and reliably. After 30 days of treatment, it improves the functions of the nervous system, slowing down the degenerative processes caused by alcoholism. As a result, the desire to drink again disappears completely, without harming the organism and without depression.

The effectiveness of the caps against alcoholism is proven not only by experiments and evidence, but also by positive comments left by users, who express their gratitude to the developers.


Although our team does not want to question the description made by the manufacturer on its official website describing the amazing effects Alkotox, it still wanted to convince itself that everything written there is really real. Therefore, he decided to do his own research, to be sure of the results of the documentation. In this regard, our team searched for all possible information, both positive and some negative, making a summary at the end, which led to the fact that what the manufacturer wrote on his website is completely real.

Therefore, we recommend Alkotox to get rid of alcoholism, but at the same time we recommend you to buy the product only on the official website of the manufacturer, buy the original product and achieve amazing results in giving up alcohol addiction. Moreover, you will get the maximum therapeutic benefits only by correctly following the treatment scheme and respecting the recommendations on the package insert.

У двох словах

Дозування2 капсули на день
Ціна 29,90 – 39,90

Calming effect, combates hangover, improves emotional and mental health, eliminates alcohol dependence, cleansing effect,..

Чи є інша ефективна альтернатива?

People say that this drug is very good because it has several beneficial properties. They say it reduces excitement, corrects anxiety, improves blood circulation in the brain and reduces cravings for alcohol. As a result, vitality increases, the severity of dizziness and other vestibular manifestations decreases and consciousness becomes clearer. There were no complaints from patients about side effects when used. We don’t have another alternative to recommend.



Alcohol, Drugs of Abuse, and Immune Functions

Alcohol, Drugs of Abuse, and Immune Functions

CRC Press. 1995

Substance abusers are an immunocompromised population, vulnerable to a wide array of new and resurgent infectious diseases - in spite of modern treatment. For example, opportunistic infections like tuberculosis are the principal cause of morbidity and mortality in HIV positive patients. Alcohol- and drug-induced disorders are wide-ranging, gaining prominence as the spectrum of emerging diseases broadens. Alcohol, Drugs of Abuse, and Immune Functions reviews the role of these...

Neuroimmune Pharmacology

Neuroimmune Pharmacology

Springer. 2016

The second edition of Neuroimmune Pharmacology bridges the disciplines of neuroscience, immunology and pharmacology from the molecular to clinical levels with particular thought made to engage new research directives and clinical modalities. Bringing together the foremost field authorities from around the world, Neuroimmune Pharmacology will serve as an invaluable resource for the basic and applied scientists of the current decade and beyond.

Drugs of Abuse, Immunity, and Infections

Drugs of Abuse, Immunity, and Infections

CRC Press. 1995

During the past few decades, drugs of abuse, including marijuana, cocaine, opiates, and alcohol have been studied in detail by biomedical scientists in terms of their effects on the neurophysiology and psychological responses of individuals. Research over the last few years has provided increased knowledge about possible mechanisms by which such drugs increase the likelihood of infections in humans and experimental animals. In Drugs of Abuse, Immunity, and Infections prominent investigators...

Alcohol Health and Research World

Alcohol Health and Research World

Додаткова інформація

Специфікація: АЛКОТОКС








Кальцій, магній, залізо, мідь, цинк, марганець, селен, хром, молібден, вітамін А, вітамін D, вітамін Е, вітамін К, вітамін В1 (тіамін), вітамін В2 (рибофлавін), ніацин, пантотенова кислота, вітамін В6, фолієва кислота, вітамін В12, біотин, вітамін С

Відгуки (13)

13 відгуки на ALKOTOX

4.5 з 5
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  1. Аватар John

    Джон -

    I have already made several attempts to quit alcohol and nothing worked, after a few weeks I relapsed again. I even thought about giving up but my partner encouraged me to try again but with Alkotox, a supplement designed for that. I have been using it for 2 weeks and I can really notice that the desire to drink is decreasing. So now my hopes are back and I wish with all my heart to overcome this stage of my life.

    + ПЛЮСИ: Натуральна добавка
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  2. Аватар Vero

    Vero -

    I have been taking these vitamins for over two years. I take one every day and, at the risk of ruining my good health, I will say that I have not been sick in all this time. I usually have a bout of bronchitis every year that ranges from mild to severe, and I can’t swear that it’s the result of taking this vitamin (it’s the only one I take), but I firmly believe it has made a difference.

    + ПЛЮСИ: made a difference
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  3. Аватар Ben

    Бен. -

    If you are on the fence about these vitamins, just buy them. These vitamins have proven their effectiveness in many ways and in several homes in my family. Since taking them I have not gotten sick once. Yes, I still sneeze from time to time, but I have not been to the doctor for things I used to do in over 4 years since taking them. Plus it helps me get off Alcohol, it’s so unbelievable but it’s real. I didn’t believe it either until I tried it, that’s why it’s my favorite supplement.

    + ПЛЮСИ: моя улюблена добавка
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  4. Аватар Lucia F.

    Lucia F. -

    I have tried a few high end vitamins over the past few months and have been disappointed. I am definitely not disappointed with this one. It gives you a constant, steady feeling of being energized, not in a caffeine or mega vitamin B dose way, but just a good feeling of vitality. I exercise and eat as clean as possible, so I’m not going to bill this as a miracle vitamin, but it really gets my mornings off to a good start. Inchealth gets great reviews on all of their products and seems committed to providing high quality vitamins and supplements at reasonable prices. Spend the money and get a good quality vitamin, I highly recommend it.

    + ПЛЮСИ: good quality vitamin
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  5. Аватар Elias

    Elias -

    Seriously, I woke up one day feeling 26 again…I’m 49. I’m sure this has something to do with it.

    + ПЛЮСИ: help me feel young and strong
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  6. Аватар Joahanna

    Joahanna -

    I can’t tell you how much I trust this product. I consume the supplement and it takes 10-30 minutes for it to take effect. Once it does, your thoughts of drinking fade or disappear altogether. A little about my relationship with alcohol: I drank heavily for about 10 years, almost every day. Once I started using this product, when I feel like it, I drink instead. For me personally, that craving disappeared within minutes of using Alkotox. I highly recommend it if you are honestly trying to quit drinking, but are struggling with cravings and are finally giving up. Take this product the next time you feel like drinking and believe me, you will feel so much better and laugh at yourself for wanting to drink.

    + ПЛЮСИ: you feel so much better
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  7. Аватар Anna

    Анна -

    Definitely seems to help. Taste isn’t awfully. Probably would be better with a citrus flavor.

    + ПЛЮСИ: seems to help
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  8. Аватар Mercedes

    Mercedes -

    Taste is good and am crossing my fingers for reducing cravings!

    + ПЛЮСИ: гарний
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  9. Аватар Cornelia

    Cornelia -

    My bf has been taking it and it’s helping, I see the difference and it’s great!

    + ПЛЮСИ: it’s great
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  10. Аватар Aaron

    Аароне. -

    Seems to be working as advertised.

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  11. Аватар Luz

    Luz -

    My husband just started taking Alkotox and we are both very hopeful that they will help him reduce his alcohol intake. So far he says he feels good and they don’t taste bad.

    + ПЛЮСИ: дуже сподіваюся
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  12. Аватар Edna

    Една -

    So it looks like Alkotox is working I don’t feel any feeling like I want a beer or drink even quite others bad habits I will keep updating how will be working but for now i have 3 days sober.

    + ПЛЮСИ: Alkotox is working
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  13. Аватар Stefannie

    Stefannie -

    I highly recommend ALKOTOX. I have never experienced any side effects except a wonderful feeling when I take it.

    + ПЛЮСИ: highly recommend
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