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Більше сперми та фертильність - як це працює?

Сприяє нормальному утворенню сперматозоїдів і фертильності та підтримці нормальної еректильної функції. Інші сильні і контрольовані властивості, перераховані в Регламенті ЄС №. 1924/2006 Заяви про здоров'я



Ciraxin has been formulated with natural ingredients that have been shown to have beneficial properties to improve erectile function and enhance libido.

Erectile dysfunction is a condition that can have a significant impact on men’s lives and intimate relationships. The lack of a firm and long-lasting erection can cause frustration, anxiety and low self-esteem. In addition, it can negatively affect the quality of life and sexual satisfaction of those involved.

According to studies, it is estimated that approximately 30% of men over the age of 40 experience some degree of erectile dysfunction. The causes may be diverse, such as chronic diseases, psychological factors, vascular problems or hormonal imbalances.

What is Ciraxin?

Ciraxin is a completely new supplement that affects the cause of erectile dysfunction. It includes components that aim to regulate the movement of blood in the genitals, level the hormonal background and strengthen the whole body. Due to the blood flow in the pelvic organs, penis size and tissue sensitivity increase naturally.


Ciraxin is formulated to stimulate the production of testosterone, normalise the function of the genitourinary system, and to promote immunity. With the use of the supplement,  the likelihood of developing prostatitis should be excluded, which means that the supplement in question can be the best preventive measure that will not harm health. Valuable components of nature and modern technology have made it possible to create a unique supplement that is replacins analogues and gaining popularity among men.

Ciraxin’s Composition

Ciraxin’s effectiveness lies in its 100% natural ingredients. The natural stimulants help the male body to function better at the cellular level. They restore the connections between the male nervous, endocrine, circulatory and sexual systems.

In addition, the practical treatment is known to rejuvenate and make the body healthier: it aims to strengthen the immune system, normalise the functioning of the circulatory system and blood pressure. This medicine can revive a man, eliminate fatigue and other ailments caused by a hectic lifestyle.


Here the description of some of the ingredients:

Гінкго білоба: Ginkgo is known to help improve erectile dysfunction caused by circulatory problems. This natural remedy can also increase blood flow.

Мака: Maca is used by the ancient Americans to treat male sexual issues.

L-Arginine: L-arginine is used to increase blood flow to the penis by relaxing the muscles and dilating the blood vessels. So, it might prolong erections.

Цинк: Zinc is intended to improve the concentration of testosterone in the blood and thus increase fertility.

Женьшень: Ginseng is a natural medicine that has been used for thousands of years in Asia to treat erectile dysfunction: They improve blood flow which is necessary for an erection.

Other ingredients: Selenium, Cocoa, vitamin C, vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, biotin Vitamin E and folic acids.


Why to take Ciraxin?

According to experts, potency can be restored at any age. This product can be freely used by men over 18 who wish to improve their sex life or solve problems related to erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction unfortunately occurs in many young men today, but this time it can be cured.

Ciraxin potency pills is known to have a positive effect not only on the urogenital system but also on the body in general. In many cases, the capsules prove to be the perfect solution. They should not only restore male strength and pleasure during sexual intercourse, but also increase the level of the male sex hormone (testosterone).

In addition, with their help, sperm quality should be improved. They have a beneficial effect on the male organism and its functions, especially those related to sex and reproduction.

Pills that increase potency stimulate the immune system, successfully fight viruses and urinary tract diseases. They have the ability to eliminate the symptoms of prostatitis and prevent its development. Thus, men feel visibly younger and gain confidence in their actions.

It is no exaggeration to say that with the help of Ciraxin, even men in their 60s and 70s can regain their lost potency. This is indicated by the results of clinical trials involving men up to 80 years of age. About 98% of them had a stable erection.

After use, the activity of blood vessels in men should be normalised and potency is greatly increased. One of the important actions of this preparation is that it should improve the psycho-emotional state of men, which has a direct impact on their sex life. This medicine is said to help to maintain an increased erection during sexual intercourse without interruption.

Ciraxin Effects and Mode of action

Ciraxin is a special sexual supplement that aims to eliminate the causes of impotence and overall strengthening of the male body. Vitamins, which are formed in the body during the intake process, fill it with substances necessary for normal reproductive function.

It is recognized as the best product for male stamina and long-term erection enhancement without steroids and synthetic compounds. The capsules are designed to offer a lot of excitement, long-lasting erection, action during intercourse, improve sperm quality.

The long-term effect of the supplement is justified by the cumulative effect. The content of the ingredients is full of minerals and vitamins aimed at restoring and maintaining the body’s energy reserves. In addition, the treatment does not cause allergic reactions.

In addition to the effects on the male body, those potency pills can also affect the sensation of the partner. Increasing the size of the penis increases the sensitivity of the vagina and ensures a unique sensation. Unlike conventional pharmaceuticals, this natural supplement has no adverse effects on the heart, liver and kidneys. This is a completely natural product that causes no side effects.

How to take Ciraxin capsules?

The dosage required for the 30-day treatment is one capsule twice a day. Of course, the capsules can also be used occasionally, not only as a treatment cure. In this case, the tablets should be taken 30 minutes before sexual intercourse.

Before using the herbal medicine, read the instructions carefully and strictly follow the recommendations on the package leaflet and the manufacturer’s supplement. Do not increase the dosage, but use it according to the package leaflet.


Поради щодо використання

Product Information

Дозування2 капсули на день
Ціна 29,90 – 39,90
ЕфектиEliminate the causes of impotence, strengthen the male body, improve sperm quality, increase the level of testosterone, offer a long-lasting erection


Alfazone capsules are for those who are looking for interesting sexual experiences at any time of the day.The capsules restore sexual function at any age and are also a stimulant for health and to improve the overall condition of the male body. Order Ciraxin directly from the manufacturer’s official website, you might have a promotional price.


Додаткова інформація

Специфікація: CIRAXIN


Чоловіче здоров'я






L-аргінін, гінкго білоба, женьшень, мака, екстракт какао, вітамін С, вітамін В1, вітамін В2, вітамін В3, вітамін В5, вітамін В6, вітамін В12, вітамін Е, фолієва кислота, біотин, селен, цинк

Відгуки (9)

9 відгуки на CIRAXIN

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  1. Аватар Eduardo

    Eduardo -

    Now I see my wife much happier than before. Maybe because she has more pleasure when we have sex or because I have a better virility, I don’t know but it doesn’t matter!

    + ПЛЮСИ: My wife is happier
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  2. Аватар Mateo

    Mateo -

    this brand has never let me down. Neither has the rest of my family. We always turn to it when we need a supplement and it always works well for us.

    + ПЛЮСИ: Good brand
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  3. Аватар Mateo

    Mateo -

    I decided to take a herbal remedy to improve my libido. The condition was that all the components must be natural. I found this one and it works very well for me.

    + ПЛЮСИ: herbal remedy
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  4. Аватар Dimitrij

    Dimitrij -

    I find it to be a very high quality product. I just started taking it 2 weeks ago but I already feel much better about myself. I feel more powerful and stronger.

    + ПЛЮСИ: high quality product
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  5. Аватар Walter

    Уолтере. -

    I think it’s worth trying it because after 2 weeks I’m already starting to feel good effects. I will see in a couple more weeks how things go, but it seems very good to me.

    + ПЛЮСИ: дуже добре
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  6. Аватар Josue

    Josue -

    I bought it because I had no other choice. I haven’t dared to have sex for months because I feel capable of doing it. My penis fails me a lot. But I have been told that with it I will go much better.

    + ПЛЮСИ: everything is going to get better with this
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  7. Аватар Liam

    Ліаме. -

    These Ciraxin capsules are doing a good job on my body. On many levels and with all due respect because I don’t feel any malaise or anything like that.

    + ПЛЮСИ: good job
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  8. Аватар Drake

    Drake -

    I’m not getting any younger, but more importantly, I have a lifestyle that is not always healthy. When I started losing my libido, I wanted to shake things up. I looked for something that could help me and came across Ciraxin. Naturally, I thought I’d give it a try without fear. It’s not bad at all. I started the cure a month ago and I can assure you that I have regained my libido! Proud of myself. Thanks to Ginseng, L-Arginine, but especially Maca, which allowed me to find a harmonious sex life. I recommend these small capsules, very easy to take.

    + ПЛЮСИ: Proud of myself
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  9. Аватар Stefano

    Стефано. -

    For me, it’s a triple victory. Length: about 4 cm more, thickness: almost 2 cm more, erection better than when I was younger. It took me six weeks and in that time I’ve only seen positive aspects, with no annoying side effects. What can I say … My wife is so happy and I’m having the best sex ever. My only regret is that I haven’t discovered CIRAXIN since then.

    + ПЛЮСИ: best sex ever
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