Ako častá je erektilná dysfunkcia?

We don’t have to be ashamed of the fact that sex is important to us. Men sometimes don’t want to talk about these things with their partner because they are afraid of criticism. However, if you are in a healthy relationship, you have nothing to fear: your partner will certainly understand that you have erectile problems or that you have doubts about the size of your penis. If we hide it, nothing will come of it anyway, our partner will quickly notice that something is wrong with us.

Erection problems are a normal problem and we can assure you that many men face them, it’s just that they don’t talk about it in public and so the statistics are inaccurate. But just look at the potential causes of these disorders – stress, alcohol consumption, smoking, poor diet. We can see that this is how a lot of our society behaves, we have the same addictions and bad habits, so the consequences affect a lot of different people too.

This is why it is so important to ask for help. We can look at reviews on forums, check the availability of different capsules in pharmacies. But let’s take a look at the price and composition. Men are too often scared and desperate at this stage and therefore buy mediocre products and just hope for quick results. In this way, they will certainly not find a solution – they can only aggravate the permanent inflammation in their body. We suggest Eroxel tablets from the manufacturer’s website.

What is erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) occurs when a consistent inability to achieve or maintain an erection prevents you from having satisfying sex. A man with ED either loses his erection before sex, has only a partial erection, or has no erection at all. Erectile dysfunction is sometimes called impotence, but the preferred term is erectile dysfunction.

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Because ED does not have a strict definition, it is difficult to estimate precisely how many people suffer from it. There are no universally accepted criteria for determining how long an erectile problem should persist and how long it should last to be considered ED. In addition, it can be difficult to determine the number accurately because many men don’t like to talk about it.

But some studies suggest that 20% of men in their 50s and about 18 million Americans between the ages of 40 and 70 suffer from some degree of ED. Worldwide, it is estimated that ED affects about 100 million men. And ED does not have to be chronic for it to be felt. Other studies suggest that almost all men experience occasional difficulties in achieving or maintaining an erection. In many cases, they are temporary and only require short-term treatment.

Who usually suffers from ED?

Poor physical and emotional health can contribute to ED. ED is also associated with medical problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and prostate disease. The more factors a man is affected by, the more likely he is to suffer from ED.

Age can also be a concern. Erectile dysfunction is more likely to occur as a man ages, particularly after the age of 60. The occurrence of some degree of ED is 39% in men aged 40, and 67% in men aged 70. ED can occur at any age, even after years of satisfying sexual relations.

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However, age in itself does not cause ED. Rather, it is the more frequent occurrence of certain health problems in older men, such as vascular disease and diabetes, that explains the increase in ED with age.

What do customers say about Eroxel?

Customer reviews help to distinguish good products from poor quality preparations. Real opinions let us know which specific product has solved the problems of other people we are struggling with.

By browsing through blogs and forums on the internet, you can tell that most of the reviews on Eroxel tablets are positive. The doubts about the effect of the preparation refer in most cases to the duration of the treatment: some people hope that the effects will appear immediately, so they don’t like the fact that you have to wait at least 7 to 14 days for the first effects.

The length of treatment depends on individual predisposition, although when having sex, after a few days of using the product, you may notice a clear difference. Unlike extension cords, the ties are more discreet and do not require extra time, as is the case with exercises.

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