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Vitamin B1 prispeva k normalnemu delovanju srca, kalcij in vitamin K prispevata k normalnemu strjevanju krvi, vitamin C prispeva k normalni tvorbi kolagena za normalno delovanje krvnih žil, železo prispeva k normalni tvorbi rdečih krvničk in hemoglobina.


Varicose veins are a subject that many people take for granted, and usually don’t bother to find a solution. If you’re afraid of surgery, there’s currently a more effective and less invasive alternative remedy available, called Presuren Forte. This treatment will rid you of uncomfortable varicose veins, give you back your beautiful legs and stop you feeling uncomfortable.

Although very uncomfortable and can cause problems, very few people refuse to take action, because most of the time, the only solution to eliminate almost all the symptoms of varicose veins is surgery.

Although at first you may think it’s not a very serious problem, as the first symptoms are not very troublesome, as only your veins start to look like a spider’s web and there are slight changes in the skin, over time they start to form bumps. The result is a lot of itching and intense pain.

If you don’t treat it in time, it can be even worse, creating a lifelong injury and even necessarily requiring a difficult operation. That’s why we recommend treating varicose veins from the moment you start to see the first symptoms.

What is Presuren Forte?

Presuren Forte is a specialized product designed to combat varicose veins. These tablets contain concentrated power of plant extracts. It is worth noting that it is not a drug, but a dietary supplement whose task is only to support the treatment. The purpose of the tablets is to strengthen the vein walls and restore proper blood circulation.


It is 100% natural, safe to use and causes no negative effects on your legs or your health in general.

Presuren Forte Ingredients

Presuren Forte is an innovative formula created with a blend of several ingredients of natural origin, which are responsible for making varicose veins disappear and eliminating the sensation of having heavy legs.

The greatest secret of the Presuren Forte formula is that it has managed to find the exact quantities of each ingredient in its blend, enhancing all the individual properties of each. Being totally extracted from plant origin, it intensifies the effectiveness with which it improves the circulatory system of all veins, including the deepest.


The ingredients of the supplement contribute to the sealing of blood vessels, reduce swelling and affect the proper functioning of venous valves, thanks to which the blood does not flow back.

Who is Presuren Forte designed for?

Presuren Forte is intended for people who wish to get rid of varicose veins and venous thrombi quickly and effectively. The ingredients of Presuren Forte products eliminate unsightly violet spider veins, reduce convexity and reduce the bumps appearing on the skin.

Another benefit is that it improves blood circulation, as it is responsible for the complete improvement of the circulatory system and eliminates any obstacles that previously existed in the veins. From the very first capsule they take, people notice that swelling is reduced and your legs will feel lighter.

Presuren Forte’s Results

Presuren Forte has been designed to help people with varicose leg problems. With this food supplement, people should notice that varicose veins and the symptoms the skin reflects due to their presence have been considerably reduced. It is able to eliminate pain, fatigue and varicose veins, among others.

Thanks to regular use of the tablets, people are also able to strengthen the walls of blood vessels! They will become elastic and resistant, which in the future will protect them from the appearance of spider veins on the skin. Presuren Forte also improves the function of venous valves and improves blood flow, thanks to which the veins become permeable.

As a result, the blood does not flow back and is not in the veins. The effect of the tablets is noticeable on many levels. This product is also able to eliminate the feeling of heaviness and swelling of the lower extremities.

In brief, Presuren Forte capsules have many benefits:

  1. Significantly reduces the amount of unsightly varicose veins;
  2. Increases blood circulation in the legs;
  3. Eliminates the problem of heavy legs and spider veins;
  4. Pain and swelling disappear;
  5. No tingling and heaviness in the legs;
  6. Vein walls are strengthened and function well;
  7. Eliminates cracks in capillaries and other imperfections;
  8. Eliminates the possibility of blood clots and other problems.

Indications for use

Presuren Forte is a dietary supplement in the form of capsules, easy to take. According to the manufacturer’s instructions on the package, it is recommended to consume 2 capsule per day, 15 minutes before breakfast, you should drink plenty of water.

In this case, remember to take the varicose veins supplement regularly and correctly, as only then you will get the expected results.


After a monthly treatment, if necessary or to intensify the effects already obtained, you can extend it for another month.

Presuren Forte Tips

Product Informations

IzdelekPresuren Forte
OdmerjanjeTake 2 capsules a day
Cena€ 39,90 – 49.90
UčinkiImproves the function of venous valves, improves blood flow, eliminates the feeling of heaviness and swelling,…


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Specifikacija: PRESUREN FORTE


Varicose veins, Heart






Kalcij, magnezij, železo, baker, cink, mangan, selen, krom, molibden, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin B1 (tiamin), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), niacin, pantotenska kislina, vitamin B6, folna kislina, vitamin B12, biotin, vitamin C

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