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Beste waarde Bactefort
Het product is beoordeeld als #6 in categorie Immuunsysteem
Snelle hulp9.1
Hoge kwaliteit9.6

Betere Gezondheid - Hoe werkt het?

Mineralen en vitaminen dragen bij tot een normale werking van het immuunsysteem.



Parasites, larvae and other organisms harmful to humans often incubate in our bodies without us even noticing. We feel unwell, but this is attributed to fatigue and never to parasitic infestation.

Parasites enter the human body through the mouth in violation of hygiene rules. Most often, poorly washed hands, contaminated food, pets, etc. are to blame for the infection.

The presence of parasites in the intestines is confirmed by laboratory analysis. If your result is positive, in no case should you postpone treatment until later. The fact is that worms living inside a person release toxic substances that poison the body. In addition, parasitic worms attach themselves to the walls of the intestines and some organs to absorb the nutrients they need. As a result, a person’s well-being worsens and his or her health is seriously endangered. Moreover, being in favourable conditions, helminths start to multiply incredibly fast. That is why it is extremely important to defeat insidious parasites in time.

One of the most effective remedies for worms is Bactefort. In just a few days, they completely rid a person of parasites and cleanse the body of their metabolic products.

What is Bactefort ?

Bactefort is a herbal remedy in the form of capsules that aims to provide a complete and effective treatment against intestinal parasites in both adults and children. The action formula of Bactefort is based on a strong combination of 100% natural ingredients with strong antibacterial and anthelmintic properties.


It is an innovative, powerful, yet absolutely affordable natural detoxification product that has the ability to quickly cleanse the body of harmful bacteria and parasites. This preparation has been specially designed to help all people who have parasites and want to cleanse their body in the best possible way.

Bactefort Composition

To cleanse the digestive tract and the body as a whole quickly and efficiently, the developers of Bactefort developed a unique formula, which included powerful plant components. These natural ingredients are not harmful to human health and cope with parasites without causing any side effects.


Bactefort have a maximum concentration of bioactive substances in their composition. This is largely due to the special processing method of the ingredients.

How does Bactefort work?

Bactefort is known to be very fast and easily assimilated by the body, thus providing an ultra-fast therapeutic action on the helminthic infection inside the intestine, neutralising the parasitic organisms and eliminating them completely.

Due to the strong anthelmintic properties of the active components of the treatment, the intestinal parasites are neutralised very quickly. It also accelerates the process of elimination of parasitic organisms, at the same time, the treatment repairs all injuries and damages caused by the infection in the intestine and in the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Bactefort also helps to strengthen the immune system, thus preventing possible re-infection with intestinal parasite larvae or eggs.

Bactefort’s Results

Bactefort on the other hand ensures an effective neutralising action against worms and helminthic organisms infesting the intestine, but without negatively affecting the organism, intestinal flora, etc.

Treatment with Bactefort has many benefits:

  • Improved digestion, diuretic effect, increased bile formation;
  • Laxative effect, thereby accelerating the elimination of immobilised worms;
  • Cleansing of toxins.

The 100% natural ingredients underlying the therapeutic action formula of Bactefort produce an extremely strong anthelmintic, antibacterial and antimicrobial effect, thus creating an extremely toxic environment for parasitic organisms in the intestine. In addition to the strong destructive effect on intestinal parasites, Bactefort also ensures their rapid elimination once neutralised.

Who is the treatment intended for?

The drug is equally suitable for people of different age categories, so it can be safely taken with the whole family. Taking Bactefort is recommended not only for treatment, but also as a prophylaxis.


All users who have already decided to rely on the detox product should carefully and strictly follow the instructions for use found on each package of the supplement.

Treatment with Bactefort does not require a prescription, as it is a natural treatment, but it is recommended to repeat the tests for intestinal parasites 2 weeks after treatment.

Bactefort Tips

Bactefort side effects

Unlike pharmacological treatment for intestinal parasites which, although it has an excellent therapeutic performance, can cause several unwanted side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, severe abdominal pain, the Bactefort natural treatment has no negative side effects. This natural remedy protects the bioflora of the gastrointestinal system and does not cause any adverse reactions.

However, it is normal to have increased bowel movements during the first week of use, but these will be without pain or discomfort. After a week, all digestive functions will be regulated and you will notice that you not only feel better, but also that you have lost a lot of weight.

Product Informations

DoseringApply 2 times a day
Prijs€ 29,90 – 49.90
EffectenAnthelmintic, antibacterial and antimicrobial effect: eliminate parasites, intestinal parasites prophylaxis, cleansing of toxins, improved digestion, …


Bactefort is a natural product based on a unique and innovative combination of 100% natural ingredients with very strong anthelmintic properties. The action formula of Bactefort provides a complete treatment against intestinal parasite infection, without negative side effects on the body.

Based on the healthy action of each of its ingredients, the detox supplement really works and can help everyone to take good care of their body by properly cleansing it of parasites and harmful bacteria.


Natural Remedies in the Fight Against Parasites

Natural Remedies in the Fight Against Parasites

BoD – Books on Demand. 2017

This book emphasizes past and current research efforts about principles of natural control of major parasites affecting humans, animals, and crops. Each chapter is a complete and integrated subject that presents a problem and confers on the safe alternatives to chemicals. This book discusses and updates information about three major topics of natural remedies. The first topic is represented in a chapter outlining important information on biological control of parasites, the second topic is...

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Aanvullende informatie

Specificatie: BACTEFORT








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Beoordelingen (11)

11 beoordelingen voor BACTEFORT

4.6 van 5
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  1. Avatar van Lea

    Lea -

    Got worms? Get this. Say goodbye worms. But don’t forget to take it again in two weeks.

    + PROS: goodbye worms
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  2. Avatar van Patty

    Patty -

    I couldn’t believe I found out that my daughter and I had intestinal worms after trying to figure out why my bottom itched so much. Within 36 hours of taking this supplement, all the symptoms I was feeling were gone. We cleaned rigorously. We vacuumed the entire house, vacuumed all the furniture, mopped all the floors, cleaned the bathrooms, cleaned the kitchen and cleaned all the light switches and anything else we touched. Of course, we also changed our sheets. I maintained this regimen of cleaning the bathroom lightly after each use, disinfecting it daily. The taste of this supplement wasn’t too bad but the important thing in the end is that it does its job.

    + PROS: does its job
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  3. Avatar van Ambar

    Ambar -

    It worked! The itching is gone, so I know those free-loading worms are gone. I didn’t much care for the taste, but I’ve had worse tasting remedies. The cost was worth it to end my pin worm suffering. It took nearly a year to figure out the cause. All eight people in my house had to take it, because pin worms are so contagious.

    + PROS: It worked!
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  4. Avatar van Milena

    Milena -

    I took 1 dose midday and on the next morning, my first movement included clear evidence that it works. So glad I found this product!

    + PROS: deep cleansing with this supplement
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  5. Avatar van Karen

    Karen -

    My son was so uncomfortable because of the worms. It was so obvious that something was wrong. I was alittle hesitant but its the best decision I’ve made in along time. 1 hr after I gave it to him, I notice he stop itching. Amazing! Just amazing. I would recommend this to all.

    + PROS: Just amazing
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  6. Avatar van Soraya

    Soraya -

    The brand I always use

    + PROS: excelent brand
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  7. Avatar van Niara

    Niara -

    BACTEFORT tastes bitter, but hey, it does the job ✅

    + PROS: essential for health
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  8. Avatar van Alan

    Alan -

    I suffered from severe bloating, intermittent bouts of diarrhea and constipation. I was more irritable and anxious. I started thinking I had some itching down there a few months ago, but thought it was just hemorrhoids due to what I thought was IBS related to bowel movements. I took Bactefort as directed and am completely free of the main symptom I had for SO long. What a relief to feel so good after so long, I didn’t know what it was like to not feel irritable anymore. I am happy again.

    + PROS: happy again
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  9. Avatar van Zoraida

    Zoraida -

    I read the reviews before I bought this, but I really needed it! I didn’t know what was going on. I had never experienced this before. After consuming Bactefort I realized that it had cured what was going on because the swelling and itching stopped.

    + PROS: swelling and itching stopped
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  10. Avatar van Rachel

    Rachel -

    Scientists say that everyone has parasites in the body and for once I believe. So, I thought maybe that is the basis of my problems. So, after hours of searching and researching, BACTEFORT seems to be the best and easiest approach. I have been taking them for over a week now and I feel so much different. I’ve even got my energy back!

    + PROS: feel so much different
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  11. Avatar van Cesar

    Cesar -

    I have solved my problem with candidiasis thanks to BACTEFORT. It is a product that my wife bought for me and I can recommend it to anyone. You don’t need a prescription and you can use it at home.

    + PROS: you don't need a prescription
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