남성과 여성의 성욕을 증가시키는 요인은 무엇인가요?

Do you often experience a loss of libido? Many people experience a loss of desire. Anxiety, stress, exhaustion and illness are sometimes the cause. Many people experience this difficulty as an inevitability. However, many victims of low sexual desire have managed to overcome it.

The solution is simple: a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet and sports activities. Of course, chemical treatments and drugs are not ruled out to combat this disorder, but we prefer to use a natural treatment

Discover the list of the most powerful natural food supplements to improve sexual desire.


비타민 C
It helps to reduce fatigue and maintain an erection. In fact, vitamin C rapidly improves the emotional state of people, mood, sexual activity and erection frequency in healthy young adults.

비타민 B1
Beneficial in improving testosterone levels and combating sexual fatigue by improving physical performance and stimulating the central nervous system responsible for erection.

비타민 B3
It is essential for the synthesis of sex hormones and neurotransmitters. In addition, it promotes the dilation of blood vessels necessary for an erection and therefore increases the volume of the erection.

비타민 B5
It contributes to the synthesis of steroid hormones and in particular to the formation of testosterone. It also helps the body to fight against stress and increases general physical endurance by reducing the feeling of fatigue.

Vitamins B6 and B9
They improve sperm quality because they are involved in the development of sperm DNA. Studies have shown the role of vitamin B9 in the synthesis of 5-HTP, a precursor of serotonin. Vitamin B9 supplementation may therefore help to treat premature ejaculation by the same mechanism as the monoamine neurotransmitters in the brain.

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비타민 B12
It acts on the proper functioning of spermatogenesis and increases the number of spermatozoa. In vivo studies have shown morphological changes in testicular tissue (decrease in testicular weight, atrophy of the seminiferous tubules and aplasia of the spermatozoa and spermatids) following a vitamin B12 deficiency.

비타민 E
Its supplementation improves sperm motility, sperm quantity and quality. Indeed, several studies have demonstrated the role of vitamin E on sperm health and motility. Vitamin E is also an important antioxidant to help protect sperm and the integrity of their DNA.


Selenium is an antioxidant that protects the male genitalia and improves sperm quality. By acting on the synthesis of nitric oxide, selenium acts on erectile dysfunction but not only. Selenium is also necessary for sperm formation as it plays an important role in spermatogenesis. Studies have shown that men with low sperm counts also have low selenium levels.

This is an important mineral as it acts on over 300 different enzymes in the body. It helps with cell division and affects the reproductive system and sexual desire. In men, Zinc increases the synthesis of testosterone and improves the quality and quantity of sperm. It has been observed that a Zinc deficiency causes a decrease in libido in men and increases the risk of infertility.


Maca is a medicinal plant that has been used for over 5000 years. It is known today for the many virtues of its root:

  • Increase in libido and sexual desire
  • Reduction of sexual dysfunctions
  • Improvement of the erection
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These effects are probably due to its action on the various endocrine glands involved in sexual relations.


This spice is also an aphrodisiac, probably better known than the other supplements mentioned above. It is not necessary to consume it in the form of food supplements but directly in raw form. However, its characteristic taste does not appeal to everyone and in this case, supplementation in powder form may be considered.

This root is also very aphrodisiac. It stimulates libido, sexual desire and fights against impotence.

Ginseng, Ginger and Maca should be combined if you wish to benefit from the effects of each of these plants in an optimal way.

To conclude

In addition to their action on the libido, these ingredients also have many virtues that allow them to be classified in the family of super foods. Their richness in antioxidants and other essential molecules make these foods nuggets of nutrients.

You will find all those ingredients in Potencialex: Potencialex 오리지널.

We all have our own sensitivities to this type of active ingredient. Therefore, we recommend that you test them in isolation at first, then combine them until you obtain the desired effects.

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