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Contrary to what some people might think, desire is not something that is automatic. Many factors in our daily lives can affect our sexual desire, such as stress, problems at work, illness, fatigue, etc. Faced with this, it can be easy to give up and accept this state as inevitable. However, you will soon notice that this kind of attitude can have important consequences on your life as a couple.

Natural solutions to stimulate sexual desire

In order to feel better in your daily life, it is strongly advised not to let such a situation take hold. In addition to a better diet, a bit of sport and the reduction of certain harmful habits such as smoking, there are natural solutions to stimulate sexual desire. Some may think that the solution lies in a chemical process, but you should be aware that this is not necessarily ideal. Indeed, such drugs will cause some kind of mechanism to enable you to have sex, but it will not directly affect your desire and urge. For this point, which is more psychological than physical, it can be more than interesting to take advantage of the virtues of a food supplement.

Sexual disorders such as sexual impotence, frigidity or premature ejaculation affect many men and women around the world. In such situations, it is important to talk to your doctor in order to find a suitable and effective solution. For those who wish to do so, natural solutions are available. Here are 3 natural food supplements most suitable for treating sexual problems.

Maca from Peru, a recognised aphrodisiac

Also known as “Peruvian ginseng”, maca is a plant that grows in the Andes, particularly on its highest plateaus. Consumed by the local people for its extraordinary nutritional properties, Peruvian maca is also renowned in traditional medicine for its virtues on the body. And in particular on sexual disorders and infertility.

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Peruvian maca has been the subject of numerous scientific studies, which demonstrate its ability to stimulate sexual activity in men and women. The plant’s active compounds act on the body’s “vigour” and reproductive activity. It also appears that this South American plant is capable of improving the quality and quantity of sperm produced by men. In this way, it stimulates fertility and reproductive function. The effects of Peruvian maca on libido and sexual vigour are largely due to the tonic effect of the plant on all the functions of the body.

When taken regularly, Peruvian maca stimulates sexual desire in both men and women. Today, this plant is considered one of the most powerful natural aphrodisiacs in the world, along with Asian ginseng. It is therefore used to treat erectile dysfunction, libido and fertility problems. Researchers believe that the plant has components with an activity relatively close to that of testosterone.

Ginseng against sexual impotence

Like Peruvian maca, Asian ginseng is a plant whose root is mainly consumed. It grows in certain regions of Asia, particularly in the mountains of China and Korea. Particularly used in traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed to have numerous virtues for the body, including stimulating properties. As such, this plant is one of the best natural treatments for erectile dysfunction and sexual impotence.

Ginseng is a plant known to be adaptogenic, which means that it helps the body to fight against all forms of stress (emotional, oxidative, etc.). Generally speaking, ginseng promotes virility by improving the sexual and physical performance of men. In short, the plant is an excellent natural aphrodisiac, used for thousands of years for this reason alone. Of course, scientific studies have been conducted on ginseng. Their conclusions state that the plant is an effective treatment for erectile dysfunction.

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In addition, other studies on Korean red ginseng have shown that the herb is effective in increasing FSH, DHT, testosterone and luteinizing hormone in men. But also the mobility and quantity of spermatozoa. The properties of ginseng on sexual impotence are also related to the stimulating effects of the plant on all the functions of the body.

In many cases, the loss of sexual desire is directly linked to a problem of stress or anxiety. Whether it is an event with traumatic characteristics or everyday stress, red ginseng can have a positive influence on this condition. Many people who have used this natural element report that they are better able to deal with stress. By feeling lighter on a daily basis, you will be able to put all the chances on your side to regain the desire that you had lost.

In addition to all this, it turns out that ginseng has stimulating capacities that will help you generally to regain your libido and to feel desire. You will quickly notice a feeling of well-being that will be particularly beneficial in your relationships.

By taking a course of organic ginseng and consuming it correctly, you will be able to rebalance your body and feel optimal sexual energy again. Many people have already used this product to achieve this goal and most of them have been more than satisfied.

Ginger, a natural stimulant

Ginger is known worldwide for its unique flavour and anti-mitic properties, but it is a root that may yet surprise you. Its virtues are very diverse and concern a large number of body functions. Digestion, inflammation, fatigue, heart health, diabetes… Its fields of action are numerous. But did you know that this plant is also one of the best aphrodisiacs in the world?

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Much of ginger’s reputation is based on its natural aphrodisiac properties. Indeed, this distinctive tasting root has been used for thousands of years by followers of traditional Chinese medicine for its beneficial effect on the sexuality of men and women. Ginger is known to stimulate sexual desire and appetite in people who consume it regularly. It may even increase pleasure during sex! Like ginseng and Peruvian maca, ginger is a natural solution for sexual problems. These three roots are usually combined in the natural treatment of erectile dysfunction and sexual impotence.

On the other hand, it is interesting to note that ginger helps to combat physical fatigue, which can be an aggravating factor in sexual impotence. It contains nutrients (vitamins and minerals) that stimulate the body and all its functions. In addition, it has considerable antioxidant properties, which help to combat oxidative stress and free radicals.

Ginkgo biloba, a powerfull stimulant

Ginkgo biloba is an ancestral Asian tree that can live for several thousand years. Used medicinally to treat blood circulation disorders, many studies have been conducted on its benefits. In China and now in the West, this plant is used to treat sexual dysfunctions such as low libido or erectile dysfunction.

The flavonoids in Ginkgo biloba allow blood to flow more freely to the extremities, including the genitals. Its vasodilator effect increases arousal and sensitivity in the erogenous zones. As a result, both men and women will be more sensitive in the sexual area, with stronger erections and more powerful orgasms.

In addition, Ginkgo biloba’s ability to reduce depression and increase vitality will result in a burst of sexual energy.


Food supplements are a great ally to treat Sexual Dysfunction. All those plants are used worldwide to help men regain their sexuality. With Potencialex, in a single capsule, you have a mix a these 3 plants , more many other vitamins and amino acid. It is easy to buy it online on the manufacturer webiste: Potencialex.

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