What do you need to survive a Nuclear Winter?

Nuclear winter would be the consequence of millions of tons of smoke, dust and debris propelled into the atmosphere by the explosion of atomic bombs and spreading all around our planet. By masking the sun’s rays and destroying the ozone layer, they would condemn to death populations thousands of kilometres away from the explosions.

So it is very important to have a nuclear attack kit and a plan of action. In the event of a nuclear attack, it will not be safe to venture out in search of food. You should stay in the shelter for at least 48 hours and preferably longer. Having food and medical supplies on hand can reassure you and allow you to concentrate on other aspects of survival. Always know what to stockpile for nuclear war and what to have in your nuclear attack kit:

– Non-perishable food;
– Water;
– Communication equipment;
– Medical supplies;
– Iodine products;
– Various other items.

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This is basic, but this is the best nuclear survival kit. Start with your nuclear survival kit checklist!

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