What about Men’s Libido?

Many men experience a decrease in libido. Of course, this decrease is directly related to testosterone in men. However, the loss or decrease of libido is also related to several psychological, emotional and physical causes.
The term libido is used to describe a perceived sexual desire in a person. Sometimes very high, sometimes absent, libido is different for each of us.

Causes related to the decrease and/or loss of libido

Emotional causes :
– Depression
– Relationship problems

Psychological causes :
– Fatigue
– Stress
– Performance anxiety

Physical causes :
– Toxic substances
– Medication
– Illness

Solutions to low libido in men

It is obvious that loss or decrease of libido can be a great source of anxiety for any man. Fortunately, there are many natural methods that can help a man’s sexuality. That’s why we’ve put together a short guide that we hope will help you regain your libido:

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Remove as much stress from your life as possible

Since stress is one of the most common factors when it comes to loss of libido, it’s important to take charge of it. Don’t let it overwhelm you. I know it’s hard when you’re caught up in that famous subway-work-sleep routine, but you have to find a way to break that routine and all the stress that surrounds it.

Eat stimulating foods

Yes, there are foods that taste good and are also good for our sexuality. For example, chocolate, asparagus, oysters, garlic, vanilla, ginseng, etc. You just have to do a little research and you will find aphrodisiac foods on the internet. It’s easy, and I think it’s worth a try.

Don’t drink too much alcohol

Everyone knows that alcohol helps a lot to feel comfortable with others. But one too many drinks can also wreak havoc on your sexual performance and cause erectile dysfunction, or at least affect your erection.

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Sleeping well

When you’re exhausted, your sex drive can be low. It’s normal, if we don’t sleep well because something is bothering us or because we have physical conditions that make us suffer, we will experience a loss of libido.

Sexual enhancer

Don’t forget that if this is a persistent problem, there are possible solutions. Just consult your doctor and he or she will be able to advise you appropriately. Before you go there, there is a very interesting product for men who have difficulty with their libido. This product is called Eroxel: Eroxel Original.

Eroxel is a highly concentrated aphrodisiac formula designed to enhance sexual performance and physical abilities in men. Plus, it’s caffeine and taurine free! So it’s a great boost to a man’s sexual energy and libido while fighting stress and fatigue. Maca and ginseng are well-known ingredients in Peruvian and Chinese traditions concerning sexual and physical functions.

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