How do you get rid of a Headache in a 10 minuts?

It’s important to know how to relieve tension headache and how to stop headache immediately. There are plenty of natural medications to relieve headache, such as lavender essential oil, peppermint essencial oil, ginger,… which help to relieve headache symptoms. But the fastet way is for sure the acupressure.

Acupressure is a massage technique that uses finger pressure. Its effectiveness in headache relief has been proven by several scientific studies. Basically, it is a needle-free variant of acupuncture, very similar to reflexology. The advantage of this technique is that it is very easy to learn. You don’t need to have gone to medical school to enjoy acupressure! Practical, because you will be able to use this method to relieve your headaches from anywhere: at home, at the office…

How to massage the acupressure points? – The first thing to do is to sit or lie down in a comfortable position and relax. – Massaging an acupressure point does not take long, 30 to 60 seconds on average. – The technique is simple. Just massage the acupressure points listed below, using a circular massage with light pressure. – And that’s it! As you will see, by massaging these points, your headache will disappear in only 5 to 10 minutes.

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