Good Preparation: Nuclear Attack Kit

Since the end of Cold War, the fear of nuclear war is higher than ever. Russian President Vladimir Putin directed his military to place “deterrent forces in special combat alert” on February 27, 2022. Although it is unlikely, here are some things you should know in case of nuclear attack. The best thing you can do is to prepare yourself: Nuclear Attack Kit.

What happens in a nuclear attack?

This is the phases of destruction after a detonation: First, a fireball destroys everything in a first ray. It is accompanied by a burst of heat that sets fire to everything within several miles. Then, a shock wave causes damage in an even larger radius, depending on the size and power of the bomb.

The disaster is then caused by the “black rain” or “nuclear winter”: The radioactive ashes are dispersed throughout the environment and irradiate the country in the long term. Due to the rotation of the earth and wind currents, a layer of dust could cover the entire globe and block the sun’s rays. This in turn would lead to crop losses and famine.

There are defenses, but it is almost impossible to detect and repel such weapons without fail, because the missiles on which the nuclear warheads are mounted are extremely fast and can quickly change direction. Most missiles have multiple warheads that can be accurately aimed at their target despite defense systems.

All nuclear powers are aware that there is no winner in a nuclear war. Nevertheless, the risk of nuclear weapons use is higher today than it was during the Cold War. Although there are fewer nuclear bombs overall, they are now distributed among more countries. That carries higher risks.

In addition to killing hundreds of thousands of people instantly, a nuclear explosion would create visible, infrared and ultraviolet light waves that would combine to produce a kind of large, very hot fireball capable of burning everything and inflicting third-degree burns over a very wide radius.

Today’s nuclear weapons are much smaller, more accurate and more powerful than those used in World War II. So a nuclear war would be devastating far beyond Ukraine’s borders.

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Nuclear Attack Preparation

Preparation is the best way to survive a nuclear strike. A survival kit is essential to ensure that you can survive for several days in your shelter without radioactive fallout. You can find many examples online. It may contain water, canned foods, medicine, Iodine tablets, a medical kit or batteries.

Radiation experts recommend that you bundle as many of these items as possible. They explains that it’s not only for the event of a nuclear holocaust. “It’s about emergency preparedness and being capable of ensuring that your family and you can be safe in an unexpected emergency.” They suggest that you still have a few essential items in case you are unable to access your survival kit.

Radioactive fallout is a disturbing and terrifying effect of nuclear explosions. This radioactive material is released into the atmosphere by a nuclear weapon explosion or nuclear accident. These tiny elements, visible and invisible dust, fall slowly to ground, often far away from the point where they were released. Gamma Rays are an invisible, but very energetic form of light that is produced when fission products fall rapidly.

Radiation Exposure

Exposure to too much radiation can cause damage to the cells and body’s ability to repair them. This is called acute radiation syndrome, or radiation fever. It can lead to a host of potentially fatal symptoms. Radiation can also damage your immune system and make it difficult to fight infection.

Only extremely dense and thick materials (e.g., a thick layer or several centimeters worth of lead) can stop radioactive fallout’s gamma radiation. Therefore, it is not possible to attempt to “escape” the radiation by driving as far as you can from the bomb’s impact point. It is impossible to accurately predict the location of the fallout in order to prevent it, the fallout is carried high up by winds at speeds of 100 miles an hour.

When it happends, you should immediately run for cover if you hear the alarm sound of a nuclear attack. You can do this by entering a concrete structure, closing all windows, and staying in the middle of your shelter, or in the basement, if you are able. Once you hear the alarm, you have no time to find your loved ones. Get to safety immediately. If you are a survivor of the explosion and its blast, it’s not a reason to come out of hiding immediately. You should wait at least 48 hours before coming out so that the radioactive fallout does not kill you. 

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What about Iodine?

Radioactive Iodine

Radioactive iodine may be released into the atmosphere as a cloud or plume. This can contaminate soils, surfaces and food. External radiation exposure can occur when radioactive iodine is deposited on clothing and skin. You can wash the skin with soap and warm water to remove radioactive iodine.

Internal radiation exposure can occur when radioactive iodine is inhaled or ingested from either a radioactive cloud or food. Radioactive iodine is absorbed into the body in the same way as non-radioactive, stable iodine. This follows the natural biokinetic pathway.

Stable Iodine

Iodine, a vital component of human diet, is used by thyroid gland to make hormones that regulate body metabolism. The thyroid gland can’t distinguish between radioactive and stable iodine during a nuclear accident.

It is important to administer potassium iodide (KI), a stable Iodine (or non-radioactive iodine), promptly in order to achieve thyroid blockade. Stable iodine should be administered no more than 24 hours prior to the start of treatment and no longer than 2 hours after. Potassium iodide can be taken up to 8 hours after the exposure. It will not provide protection if you take it after 24 hours.

The thyroid gland cannot distinguish radioactive from non-radioactive Iodine. Both types of iodine are absorbed equally by the thyroid gland. KI keeps radioactive iodine from the thyroid gland, where it could be damaged. The thyroid absorbs non-radioactive iodine when a person uses KI. The thyroid is “saturated” with KI and can no longer absorb radioactive or stable iodine for 24 hours.

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KI cannot prevent radioactive iodine entering the body. It also can’t reverse the harmful effects of radioactive iodine on the body once the thyroid gland has been damaged. Damage to the thyroid gland.

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