What can you do to Lose 10 kilos and feel better?

Would you like to lose 10 kilos in order to get back into shape and feel better about yourself? 10 kilos less on the scales is not insignificant! However, this goal is realistic if you adopt the right strategy.

To lose 10 kg, you need at least 2 or 3 months. This time will allow you to establish good eating and sports habits, sufficient hydration, while allowing yourself a few small pleasures to avoid cracking. In fact, move more and eat better should be your leitmotiv!

Eat better and less!

Opt for a healthy and quality diet!

Eating better means that you should focus on quality food that provides you with all the essential nutrients. Opt for natural food as much as possible, and limit industrial products as much as possible. Choose seasonal fruit, vegetables, white meat, eggs, spices and olive oil for flavour.

If you have a craving during the day, forget about sweets! Grab an apple, turkey breast or some cashew nuts, which are excellent appetite suppressants.

Also remember to drink plenty of water. 1.5 litres of water a day is a minimum to fill the stomach and eliminate toxins.

Adopt a low-calorie diet!

There’s no secret: to lose 10 kilos, you’ll have to tighten your belt! Without depriving yourself, it is therefore necessary to adopt a low-calorie diet. In other words, you will have to eat less than your caloric needs. The difficulty is to find the right balance. Indeed, if you only eat soups and green salads, you will end up exhausted and irritable after 48 hours. The idea is therefore to calculate your daily calorie requirements so that you can adjust your energy intake and gradually lose the weight without deprivation or frustration.

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For example, a 36 year old woman, measuring 1.66m and weighing 74kg, and rather sedentary, will need to consume around 2000 kcal per day to maintain her weight. If she wants to lose 10 kg, she will have to reduce her calorie intake by 25%, i.e. 1500 kcal per day, in order to lose weight gradually.

This example should of course be adapted to your own situation. It is up to you to adjust the content of your plate according to your desired weight loss.

If you lose between 500 g and 1.5 kg per week, continue in this way.
If you lose less than 500 g per week, reduce your calorie intake a little more.
Be careful, however, never to fall below your basal metabolic rate, as you may not be able to keep up the pace for very long, and you may quickly become exhausted and, above all, put on weight again the day you increase your energy intake.

If you lose more than 1.5 kg per week, be careful! Losing weight too quickly is bad for your health and can lead to a yo-yo effect.

The aim of a diet is not to lose weight quickly or to deprive yourself. Losing 10 kilos must be done over time, while keeping one or two “pleasure” foods, such as chocolate or a slice of bread, for example.

Take Dietary Supplements

Redulsim, the most popular slimming capsules reduce appetite and inhibit hunger signals. Its mode of action is to limit snacking and encourage the user to eat less during meals. The overall reduction in calories thus induced leads to a reduction in weight. It should be noted that many alternatives exist but we fully recommend Reduslim. Just need to check what consumers say and you will understand why!

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Reduslim Reviews

Move more to refine your figure!

As far as sport is concerned, even if you have 10 kilos to lose, it is important to be progressive. If you are not very sporty to begin with, there is no need to start running 5 days a week, as this could lead to injury. 2 to 3 sessions per week will be more than enough to achieve your goal.

On the other hand, get moving whenever you can. Taking the stairs, walking or going to the swimming pool at the weekend with your family will burn a lot of calories over time and increase your energy expenditure.

The right activity at the right intensity

Losing 10kg may seem like a difficult goal to achieve. Why not let yourself be guided by a personal trainer who will prepare sports sessions entirely dedicated to your weight loss goal?

Example of a workout to lose weight

If you already have a minimum of physical condition, you can make a “Boot Camp” type session, to be carried out in the form of circuit training, that will enable you to burn a maximum of calories while building up your body.

Inspired by the training method used by American soldiers, the Boot Camp is based on group spirit and the notion of effort. Ideal for outdoor group coaching, this sequence of exercises will allow you to expend your physical energy and eliminate as much fat as possible without you noticing.

The secret? The exercises involve large muscle groups such as the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and pectorals. When you have finished your 6th exercise, take a 1 minute rest to start a new round.

So, are you ready to lose your 10 kilos?

As you will have understood, to achieve your weight loss objective, a healthy diet, good management of your calorie intake and regular physical exercise are the foundations of your success.

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In addition, the support of a fitness professional will undoubtedly be a definite asset in losing your 10 kilos calmly and, above all, keeping them off!

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