Men’s Health Issues

Testosterone is a male hormone secreted by the adrenal glands in both men and women, but in greater quantities in men. Good testosterone levels are associated ...

Testosterone is the most important male sex hormone (androgen). It is needed to maintain normal sexual and reproductive function in men. Testosterone ...

Who hasn't tried to increase their testosterone levels? We all want to, whatever our reasons. And the means used (steroids) are not always recommendable! The ...

You may have heard a middle-aged man say: "I don't feel as fit as I did when I was 20". What he means is that his testosterone levels are not as high as they ...

What to do when you no longer feel like making love, when the desire is no longer there? What to do when your libido is at a standstill? Cooking, couple ...

A man's sex life can be hampered in various ways: libido problems, erectile dysfunction, etc. To regain a satisfying intimate life, it is essential to pay ...

Erectile dysfunction is a subject that concerns men, but it also interests women.In the course of their lives, both men and women can experience a drop in ...

No or too much foreplay, frustration, boring sex, routine and loss of desire, it is not always easy to tell your partner that things are not going well in bed. ...

Diet plays a key role in staying healthy, but does this also apply to sexual health? Which foods boost your libido and which kill it? Myth or reality, our ...

For men, sex is very important. They want to be the best at it and feel confident and simply satisfied that they can satisfy their partner. It is definitely an ...
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