10 Health Benefits of a good sexuality


Sex is good for your health. Like drugs, alcohol or certain foods, it activates the reward circuits in the brain without any deleterious effect, unlike those substances.

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It fights against cardiovascular disease

During sexual intercourse, the heart rate increases, which has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. According to one study, having sex twice a week on average reduces the risk of heart disease more than those who have sex once a month.

It reduces high blood pressure

According to one study, women who are sexually satisfied on a regular basis significantly reduce their risk of high blood pressure compared to those who have no sex or no pleasure. In contrast, men who had sex once, or more, per week saw their risk of suffering a cardiovascular event within five years almost double that of those who were sexually inactive.

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It makes you smarter

In 2010, a study showed that the neurons in rats that had frequent sex had their learning and memory areas in the brain expand.

The reason? Pleasure makes the body and mind more available than stress, which on the contrary impairs concentration.

It combats insomnia

During sexual intercourse, numerous hormones are secreted, including endorphins, the happiness hormone, which promotes a state of relaxation, and prolactin, which lowers the level of stress. The body is thus perfectly relaxed and more likely to fall asleep.

It increases immunity

Sexual intercourse increases the level of immunoglobulins, an antibody that helps fight viruses.

Conversely, sexual frustration or abstinence has a negative effect on the immune system.

It prevents prostate cancer

According to several studies, having regular ejaculations, at a rate of 21 times a month for men aged between 20 and 29, would allow them to have a lower risk of developing prostate cancer. The risk is thus reduced by 19% compared to those who ejaculate 4 to 7 times a month.

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It makes you fall in love

During sex, oxytocin, a hormone also known as the “love hormone”, is released. It helps to create an attachment to the other person, to create a feeling of love or to strengthen the bond. It generally contributes to happiness in one’s life.

It helps to build up the perineum

Sexual intercourse helps to maintain the pelvic floor muscles. This is an advantage for many women, as a third of them experience a weakening of the perineum, especially after giving birth. A muscular perineum also makes it possible to have more pleasure.

It relieves migraines

Sexual intercourse is said to relieve headaches and even migraines. The reason? During sexual intercourse, endorphins are released, which calm the pain. In addition, the blood flow is drawn to the genitals and is then less felt in the head.

It makes you beautiful

When you have a good sex life, it shows on the outside: you look good and you take care of yourself. It boosts femininity in women and virility in men. On the other hand, an unintense sex life contributes to ‘sloppiness’

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