
Inscription Collagen and Collagen powder on golden spoon. Extra protein intake. Natural beauty and health supplement for skin, bones, joints and gut.

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CRC Press. 2018 gbs preview

This series was conceived with the idea of integrating current aspects of ongoing research in the collagen field. The book consists of a spectrum of papers which discus divers aspects such as X-ray structure, the thermodynamics and mechanism of fibrillogenesis, and the use of collagen as a biomaterial for the manufacturing of many implantable, sometimes lifesaving, devises.

Ultraviolet Light Irradiated Collagen Macromolecules

Ultraviolet Light Irradiated Collagen Macromolecules

gbs preview

Collagen macromolecules undergo photopolymerization when irradiated with ultraviolet light of 2537 A. The absorption spectrum of irradiated collagen shows an increase in extinction at the longer wavelengths (290-400 mM).

Collagen, from Tissue Culture to Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering, and Beyond

Collagen, from Tissue Culture to Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering, and Beyond

Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2019 gbs preview

As collagen is the main structural component of body tissues, there has been much effort expended, both in the past and today, to use it in cell culture applications. Indeed, its importance is further stressed by the wide use of collagen biomaterials in tissue repair and regeneration, including the treatment of burns, chronic wounds or bone repair. This book represents a journey through recent scientific history, and describes the massive implications of the research carried out by...

  1. After 15 plus years of battling IBS I felt i was out of options. Nothing helped relieve the dabilitating pain and cramping that accompanies the diagnosis. Adding to my situation, I struggled to find a protein I could digest without further intestinal upset. On an off chance I began using this product daily in my coffee. Within 2 weeks I no longer had stomach cramping, constipation or loud digestive sounds. By the 3rd week, my insatiable appetite had diminished drastically and the weight that I’ve been carrying began to drop off. After 6 weeks on the product I ran out and somehow put off reordering. Within the 2 weeks that I went without, my stomach cramping and original issues slowly returned. I know that’s a lot of TMI but on the off chance someone else who has “tried it all” comes across this review will hopefully give it a shot and find the same relief I have.

  2. I cannot rave about this product enough !! (disclaimer this is my experience)I have ehlers danlos syndrome and so my connective tissues have always been an issue.In short, my skin use to feel really dry, thin/loose – if that make sense, and look translucent (I’m black btw).It’s only been less than a week I can’t begin to tell you how much healthier it looks and feels.I bought this though for my joints as I have had two surgeries prior and my right knee would overheat at night.This past week I experienced no issues with it at all!In terms of my hair it’s hard to tell this early on but in a month I’m sure I’ll see results too.All in all, If I could win a lifetime of this stuff I would be overjoyed because I don’t see myself living without it!

  3. I have been very happy with this product – the first difference I felt after a few weeks was that it helped me sleep. It contains glycine and if you look online there is research that shows that helps with sleep. I sleep for longer periods and if I wake up at night I can fall back to sleep quickly which has made a big difference in my general well being. Then after about six weeks my knees started to feel better which I think was the collagen, and now after a few months my hair is more shiny – all good things!It does have a taste – it isn’t strong but I tried it with plain water and it needs some flavor to cover the taste. I don’t want to add it to my coffee, and like drinking it cold. I found that flavored carbonated water like LaCroix is just enough to cover the taste, but it does not dissolve quickly in cold liquid. I was mixing it and leaving it sit on the counter until the lumps were gone, which could take as long as an hour. Some of the photos I have seen in the comments show lumps and I think they didn’t let it sit long enough to dissolve.I finally came up with a method to mix it quickly and I wanted to share it. What works for me is: (1) Pour a small amount of the cold flavored water into a glass – maybe 2 oz. (2) Put that in the microwave and heat it until it is hot – about 20 – 30 seconds. (3) Sprinkle two scoops of the Vital Proteins into the small amount of hot liquid and stir it until it dissolves. It will dissolve quickly without lumps when it is hot. (4) Pour in the rest of the cold flavored water in the glass with the already dissolved collagen solution and mix that. If I want it colder I put in an ice cube. This would work for any cold liquid, you could add juice as well. Basically, the idea is to dissolve the Vital Proteins in a small amount of hot liquid first and then add the cold liquid to that solution. Hope this is helpful!

  4. I struggled all my life with taking large pills, powders and elixirs, basically anything that has a medicinal or bitter taste. I kept hearing about this powdered collagen and decided to do my research ( it took me 3 months), to become an informed participant. I do not consume any medicine, synthetic or herbal supplements. I first looked at large bodies of evidenced based research to support why I should consider consuming this product. I found tons and decided to give it a try. First, I bought the single serve and shook it up in a 16oz water bottle, then prayed I would not throw up. Barely and I mean barely any taste whatsoever. Moved on to purchasing a single serve blender—poured 200 ml of organic milk, a splash of carnation milk, 1tspn organic agave, 1tspn organic cocoa powder, 1 scoop collagen powder and 1 scoop maca powder..AGAIN you can’t even taste the powder and no after taste. Results…joint pain gone! Hair growth 1 inch in 1 month, nails are stronger (I like short natural nails), skin–bye bye fine lines and fine wrinkles (the ones you see in the 5x magnifying mirror). For the sake of clarity, my goal was to address some joint pain. The ancillary advantages/outcomes was not what I was seeking–but I am not complaining. I make the shake everyday and drink it after my Pilates and elliptical workout in the am. Oh yes, for us women of a certain age…pre, during or post menopausal, it reduced the flame on and in the heat of the night episodes by 90% –get your sleep back. I am a former ballet dancer and while I am in good health and maintain an uncompromising size 6, I know I was taking my health for granted. Thinking that I could still hitch my wagon to the good genes shooting star. Well all good things come to an end and I really should have been taking supplements all along. Joint pain is reduced by 70% and I’m very pleased. I am not a physician and just sharing my personal results/observations (unintended and intended). I’m still pretty shocked at the results, as I had no expectations of a positive or negative outcome whatsover. Please do your research!

  5. Yes! I’ve tried several types of collagen and I just love this brand. The Taste is not overpowering like some are. I noticed a difference in my arthritis and joint pain with in about 4 days. I use it twice a day, my nails grow like crazy my hair is great and I feel that my skin has improved because of the collagen peptides proteins. Very pleased with this brand, also the price is great. I am a therapist and I regularly recommend this product to my clients 4 injury recovery and joint pain.

  6. Bought 4 and received a 20% discount (as of this date anyway). I will continue to buy this brand. Dissolves instantly. Noticed a huge change over the year we have been using it, in both the softness of our skin, hair and nail quality has improved 100%. Any reviews to the contrary and how it doesn’t dissolve are probably reviewing a different product altogether! Honestly, I and many others buy based on reviews, and people should be more careful about submitting one correctly.

  7. I recently had a bad eczema breakout and decided to try the Orgain Collagen Powder to try and help heal without steroid cream. Collagen can help the skin repair, rebuild and retain moisture which is exactly what eczema outbreak skin needs. For four (4) days, I mixed less than one scoop of the powder with coffee or almond milk and noticed a difference in my skin on day one! By day 2 the intense, horrible itching had calmed and my skin was starting to soften. By day 4 I felt 80% healed! The powder is pretty much tasteless so you can add it to anything, I even mixed it with water for one dose. I love this stuff and am so happy to find a healthy alternative to healing my eczema!

  8. Works TOO well! LolMy hair grows so fast, I have to re-color it every 2-3 weeks! My nails are firm for the first time in my life! Flavorless, so you can mix it into your morning coffee, without affecting the flavoring of your beloved elixir of the gods.

  9. The media could not be loaded.  This works!! No smell or taste with this product and I have tried nearly all the collagen products including pills and drinks. Having had a nasty accident which left me in great pain and confined to a wheelchair, I found that taking this brand my pain had eased after just one week and I was out of my wheelchair after two weeks. My pain has eased considerably and my mobility is almost fully restored. In addition I have given it to our Labrador for his arthritis in his elbows and he is now running freely without any signs of a limp. I contacted the seller to ask several questions and she anwered promptly and personally unlike other sellers. I will continue to use this collagen forever.

  10. I loved this product! I was so sad when it ran out. Even though it is out of my price range at the moment, I saved to get a second tub! I was super disappointed when I opened the container to find the product looked completely different! It was gritty and yellow-ish and it had a smell to it! It didn’t expire until 2020 so I knew it wasn’t “bad” and went ahead and put it in my protein shake as per usual. YUCK!! I can usually choke back most “gross” things but I had to dump the entire shake. I came on here to check and see if anyone else was having problems with recent batches and noticed that I wasn’t the only one. I’m not the type to leave negative reviews but I’m hoping this might help someone. I don’t know if the others and I just got a bad batch but I am really disappointed. I loved this product. The sad part is, another reviewer said they contacted the company and the company stood by their product. Maybe if enough of us contact them, they will look into it.

  11. Somethings you just don’t choose the cheaper version of. This is a prime example. Half the price of the others and for a reason. Product does not mix. Does not mix at all. When you drop it into your drink it just clumps and stays there, leaves a sticky residue on your glass, not to mention the horrendous smell. I’ve tried many different liquids, hot, cold, tea,and coffee. Tried dropping the product in first then the liquid. Same results. At this point I wonder if this product is taken from grass fed mad-cow disease animals. Truly the biggest waste of money. I’m sending both bottle back today. 0 Stars. I will be purchasing the real stuff from previous vendors.

  12. Initially I thought this was just too expensive compared to the bovine one so wasn’t prepared to purchase but I’ve since changed my mind. I first tried the bovine collagen which did not agree with me at all. However Corinna contacted me and offered for me try the new marine collagen they were working on. I agreed. Got a free tub in the post a couple of weeks later! It’s wonderful!! My nails and hair have improved so much after being on long term steroids and also being anaemic. This collagen has made such a difference. I mix it in my porridge or smoothies every day. As I said I was a little dubious of the price… However, since seeing such an improvement with my whole body I’ve changed my mind. Just over £1 a day is so worth it having been ill for such a long time. One tub last one month. I’m not cured lol but much improved!! Corinna is a kind, friendly, helpful person. She takes the time to help her customers and that’s what has really swung it for me. Can’t go wrong! This will be regular order from now on!!

  13. So I wanted to wait a while to write a review, this way I could speak about this products benefits.I’ve been using this product for 3 months now – I started with the smaller sized container to get a good test run first. I do a lot of research on the products I put into my body, and this company checked out okay with what I had originially read. So quality, check.My first opinion with this product was the taste – when added to tea, if taken as suggested (2 scoops) you can definitely tell there is a taste. It is a mild taste, but a taste nonetheless. But it dissolved right into the hot liquid without any problems, did not change the color of the tea at all.So I decided to change my doseage – I put 1 scoop into coffee (no taste/no color change as I drink my coffee black) and then 1 scoop at night when I drink my post-workout (from another company). No further taste issues.What changes have I experienced:My hair is definitely growing quicker than before, but not incredibly speedy – so don’t set yourself up for that expectation. My hair and nails are definitely stronger (which I needed after having a gel manicure twice a month for the last two years)My skin – definite improvement. I still get blemishes, that’s just how my chemistry goes, but I’ve definitely noticed a glow, not over-oily etc.Also, I just overall feel better.So, if you’re like me and read every review before purchasing a product, I hope this review serves you well. If you’re curious, but don’t want to commit to the larger container, get the smaller size and give it a test-run. I saw benefits after one month, combined with a moderately healthy diet (and drink drink drink your water!!), and the only thing I changed about my routine is adding a scoop of this powder to my coffee/shake. If you do not choose this product, buyer beware – check ALL the labels before purchasing.Cheers!

  14. I’ve used this collagen for a while. Tired others after, and none compared. Returned to the this one. Hair grows faster and healthier, nails grow faster as well.

  15. Reply Avatar of Paulina Flores Martínez
    Paulina Flores Martínez 14. February 2020 at 0:00

    I’ve been taking this collagen peptides powder for around 3 weeks or so and so far so good, actually, I really enjoy adding it to my smoothies 🙂 I haven’t yet noticed any massive improvement in my skin or hair. However, I must say that I suffer skin issues (dermatitis, sometimes it gets really bad) and lately I’ve been feeling ok, and with less dryness than a couple of months ago, I do not know if this is related to the collagen consumption at all, but will be happy to write another review at some point later. I picked this collagen as I felt their branding is honest. Hope it’s worthy!

  16. I absolutely love and trust the Senzu brand. Great quality and definitely gives a noticeable difference to the look and feel of my skin. I’ve actually been receiving TONS of compliments on my skin! So definitely happy with my purchase. Will continue to purchase and highly recommend it!

  17. Fantastic! And Canadian made! I’ve tried many collagen products and they all have a taste if you let your hot liquid, like coffee, cool down. No matter what the cost, I’ve always tasted the product but NOT with this one. You’ll see from my pictures, put the collagen in before the hot liquid and there’s no clumping or residue. It’s fantastic and you won’t go wrong with this one. I also saw a difference in my nails immediately, I was impressed. As a small bonus, the packaging is pretty! Hopefully this product remains affordable. 😉

  18. I use Hunter & Gather bovine collagen for the protein content and it’s benefits. I switched from another brand which was more expensive.Like the previous product, it’s flavourless and dissolves very well in both cold and hot fluids. I tend to have this with my cereal in the morning.The packaging is plastic freewhich is a bonus. I just empty the contents out into the old container so it can be stored in a tub so it works really well for me.As my weight remains stable I’m happy to recommend this product but also benefitual for those seeking to build muscle after training and to be more healthy.

  19. I think different collagen works differently on different people. I have tried many and “had” my favorites. I now have my ultimate favorite and I don’t think I will give anymore a try. I only use half of a scoop and yet this has done for my hair and skin what none of the others have done and I mean that is a great way. My skin is glowing and my hair is in much better condition also my nails grow faster. All the others do not come close to this one. It mixes wonderful in my matcha tea and a big plus also is that it is a good price. I will look no further I will continue to purchase this because I am over-the-top happy will the results. A solid ***** stars

  20. I have noticed that I feel more energized throughout the day after taking this for the past 2 weeks. I have been consistently adding it to my coffee every morning, or blending it in to a smoothie for breakfast. I have also noticed a significant difference with nagging discomfort within my hip. I am starting to notice changes in my complexion and I am definitely noticing a difference with my nails. I have always had extremely soft nails and they are definitely growing at a faster rate and seem stronger and healthier. It dissolves so easily and I seriously cannot decipher a taste at all. I am absolutely thrilled that this product is Canadian. I have already recommended this product to a friend and ordered it on her behalf.

  21. The product description is deceptively misleading; states ‘400g unflavoured powder’. This is incorrect, the actual weight is just over 300g of powder, as the 400g includes the 83g heavy plastic tub. I would also question the 5x cheaper claim – in fact I think this is one that trading standards needs to have a look at.

  22. Love this product. It blends into anything – hot or cold. It doesn’t taste and I love it in coffee. Also my nails have grown long and strong since I started using it.

  23. First time trying collagen. Effects are noticeable quickly. Less body aches, more energy. Picture with stick shows the level of product when first opened. The powder has a smell to it and a certain taste I didn’t like .I mix it with another better tasting powder and water and try to drink it fast . I’ve encouraged friends and family to try it.

  24. I am a breast cancer stage 2b survivor and reading some bad reviews on this product is like to share with you my experience. I went through 15 rounds of chemo and a lot of rounds of radiation. After treatment my joints were stiff. I walked like I had sticks for legs and my fingers hurt to bend them. Of course my hair fell out and my nails were so brittle all effects of the chemo. I started to take this product and I started to heal after my treatment. I stopped taking this product and right away noticed my fatigue was coming back, I was losing focus, joint pain came back. So I went back on it and haven’t looked back. This product has been a HUGE part of my healing. I put it in my coffee in the morning and now I don’t like the taste of drinking coffee without it. Hair is growing back fast and nails are strong. I am strong enough to workout now everyday.

  25. helped me alot with my postpartum hairloss.

  26. LOVE LOVE LOVE this product. I have an injury from a car accident (SI & L4/L5) I have been putting a scoop of this in my coffee every morning for years. When I run out and miss these doses for any length of time I instantly have a back flare up. It doesn’t heal my injury BUT it definitely makes my joints and ligaments less irritable.I also gave a container of this to my brother (who was fighting sinus cancer). He had lost his sense of taste due to the chemo, and Therefore lost his appetite. Getting protein into him was next to impossible. This was perfect because he could put it in his tea. Protein shakes made his nauseous. I’m happy to report that my brother won his battle and is now two years Cancer free. Obviously this is by no means a cure for cancer. But it definitely helped my brother maintain his protein during his treatment. And if you’re familiar with cancer treatments that is paramount to recovery.

  27. good collagen, no unpleasant specific taste, easily the best

  28. I purchased this product because I noticed the skin on my neck and hands had lost some of its elasticity. I have been taking this for a few months now maybe 6 months and definately noticed an improvement. My skin bounces back when pinched now, my hair has stopped thinning and has thickened up and my nails grew and had length and is not brittle any more. I use this collagen powder in my coffee and teas in smoothies and soups as it is unflavoured. I am really happy with this product as it is working for me and also the packaging is plastic free.

  29. I use this product every day!I appreciate the price on this order, it was most affordable for this size of Organika Enhanced Collagen.I have note that my knees are in much better shape since I started consuming collagen a couple of years ago. My finger nails are also better than they have ever been.

  30. It tastes better than all the other collagens I’ve tried. It seems to be working , it takes 2-3 months to see any benefits. My hair fall has slowed down and the lines on my forehead don’t seems so deep.

  31. I started using this product in July 2021, 7 months ago because I was experiencing pain in my shoulders, hips and ankles. It took about 6 months of regular use but I am now pain free. I don’t use any other supplements and I don’t take any kind of medication so it must be the Organika collagen. I put one scoop in my coffee In the morning. It has no odour and no taste. Very happy. I keep using it.

  32. the best product I have tried and this is nth I have bought, good for skin,bons, hair and nails .

  33. Love it. Buy it every month.

  34. I purchased this and there is not really a taste. I mix it with hot coffee or water and I enjoy drinking it. I feel like it has helped.

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